martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Damn Small Linux: Install files with .dsl extension

The DamnSmallLinux live CD/USB allows you run DSL in memory. It also allows you to run apps that you download from the MyDSL repository. If you install DSL to HDD/USB then you'll want to have these apps permanently on your system. You can do this easily.
If you look carefully, the MyDSL repository, contains a lot of files (apps) with the .dsl extension.

A .dsl extension file is nothing but a compressed archive in the tar-gzip format.

All you need to do is:
  1. download the .dsl file to any location (lets say /home/dsl)
  2. cd /
  3. tar -zxvf /home/dsl/.dsl
and you're through!